Sunday, July 20, 2008


I took the girls to the movies today. Now I will be the first to admit, I'm not much of a movie goer. It really takes a lot to get me to stay in one place that long. The last movie I saw that I felt was worth it was Stardust. (LOVED it! If you haven't seen it, you should.)

Anyway, we saw WALL-E. We had planned on seeing Journey to the Center of the Earth but traffic was hideous and we didn't get there in time. Both of my girls had alreadys seen WALL-E though neither minding seeing it again. It was a cute movie. Like every other movie I've seen I felt they could have sped it up a bit, but all in all I give it an A-. I was very impressed with how they did the characters, especially the Captain. The play between WALL-E and EVE was very cute. It made me very happy that the female character was the strong one without making the male wimpy and helpless. The interaction between the "awakened" people made a nice little counterpoint too.

Definitely worth the $24.

On an unrelated note - I finally did a pair of earings with these fabulous green glass beads I have.

They're in my shop -

Sea Green Glass Squares earrings


John said...

I am not much of a movie-goer myself. It's too hard to sit still that long ! :)

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh i LOOOOVED wall-e!!