Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Cheesecake and warm fuzzies

Yesterday we went over to my in-laws for my birthday dinner. Quick note - my in-laws are wonderful people. I have a better relationship with my father-in-law than I ever did my own father. This is NOT a monster-in-law post.

Anyway, we had cheesecake! Let me rephrase that, I had cheesecake. I'm the only one who likes it. Not that I really wanted to eat a whole one, but *le sigh* I do what I must. ;) I got my #10 Troy Smith away jersey (it's white) too. Now I have two home, one away, and one alternate. Three more and I can forget Purple Friday and make it Purple Everyday.

The real warm fuzzy moment though was the card from my girls. It was just a normal card, but I didn't have to pick it out. It's kind of strange having a child old enough to go to the store without mom. It was even stranger having someone else (other than my FIL) remember it. I love my husband but he has to head for dates. He'd forget his own birthday if it wasn't on his license.

The super yummy soap I ordered arrived today. I bought it from Soothing Rituals and it was Lemon Pucker. It smells SOOOOO good. She included a very handy wooden soap dish. I'm still finishing up a bar of Grapefruit Granita so the soap is in my office leaving a nice, lemony scent.

I could easily become addicted to soap.


(I feel like an idiot. I just now noticed this thing has spell check.)


Sara said...

haha..spell check. I'll never learn how to spell. I can't believe you were the only one that liked cheesecake! Cheesecake is genius.

Lily said...

Yeah, my family is wierd. What sane person turns down cheescake?